
hxy    2020-07-04 23:26

  • Dynamic network
  • Temporal network
  • Evolutionary network
  • Time-varying network

        1. Dynamic network,指与static network相反的网络,非常宽泛地指网络随时间变化 (The network topology changes over times,Nodes and/or edges may come and go),Nature.com关于dynamic network介绍的原文[1]

Dynamic networks are networks that vary over time; their vertices are often not binary and instead represent a probability for having a link between two nodes. Statistical approaches or computer simulations are often necessary to explore how such networks evolve, adapt or respond to external intervention.

        2. Temporal network, 通常也叫做时变网络(time-varying network),指网络中有一部分连边仅在特定时刻处于活跃状态,时变网络中的连边仅在活跃状态下才能传递信息,因此更强调各个边处于活跃状态的先后顺序,常常和信息传播相关。典型的示例有神经网络和脑网络[2]。原文介绍:

temporal network, also known as a time-varying network, is a network whose links are active only at certain points in time. Each link carries information on when it is active, along with other possible characteristics such as a weight. Time-varying networks are of particular relevance to spreading processes, like the spread of information and disease, since each link is a contact opportunity and the time ordering of contacts is included.

Examples of time-varying networks include communication networks where each link is relatively short or instantaneous, such as phone calls or e-mails. Information spreads over both networks, and some computer viruses spread over the second. Networks of physical proximity, encoding who encounters whom and when, can be represented as time-varying networks. Some diseases, such as airborne pathogens, spread through physical proximity. Real-world data on time resolved physical proximity networks has been used to improve epidemic modeling. Neural networks and brain networks can be represented as time-varying networks since the activation of neurons are time-correlated.

Time-varying networks are characterized by intermittent activation at the scale of individual links. This is in contrast to various models of network evolution, which may include an overall time dependence at the scale of the network as a whole.

        3. Evolutionary network (or Evolving network),中文常常翻译为演化网络,指随时间的变化,网络中出现的增加节点、增加边、删除节点、删除边的动态表达,通常这些动态变化是同时进行的,强调网络自身结构的进化过程。原文[3]

Evolving networks are networks that change as a function of time. They are a natural extension of network science since almost all real world networks evolve over time, either by adding or removing nodes or links over time. Often all of these processes occur simultaneously, such as in social networks where people make and lose friends over time, thereby creating and destroying edges, and some people become part of new social networks or leave their networks, changing the nodes in the network. Evolving network concepts build on established network theory and are now being introduced into studying networks in many diverse fields.

        4. Time-varying network, 同temporal network.

  1. Dynamic networkshttps://www.nature.com/subjects/dynamic-networks
  2. Harrison C. White, 1992, Identity and control: A structural theory of social action. Princeton University Press.
  3. Evolving networkhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolving_network
  4. Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar‐Yam, 2006, “From centrality to temporary fame: Dynamic centrality in complex networks,” Complexity, 12(2), 59-63.
  5. Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam 2009, Time-dependent complex networks: Dynamic centrality, dynamic motifs, and cycles of social interactions. In Adaptive Networks (pp. 39-50). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  6. Purnamrita Sarkar and Andrew W. Moore. 2005. Dynamic social network analysis using latent space models. SIGKDD Explor. Newsl. 7, 2 (December 2005), 31-40.
  7. Kathleen M. Carley, Michael K. Martin and Brian Hirshman, 2009, "The Etiology of Social Change," Topics in Cognitive Science, 1.4:621-650
Last Modified: 2020-07-05 00:10
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