Select Data Source Order by nodes
None - polblogs.gml
0 - sbm_adj.txt
7 - 树形结构示例网络
10 - krackhardt_kite (风筝网络)
10 - 线性网络示例
10 - 环形结构网络示意图
15 - tree15.txt
26 - Padgett.gml
32 - Southern Women Activities Networks (南部妇女活动网络)
32 - leader2inter_st.txt
34 - Zachary's karate club(空手道俱乐部网络)
45 - qspk_road.gml
47 - NEU信息安全专业学生选课数据集(手动采集)
62 - Dolphin social network(海豚社交网络)
67 - Social networks of positive sentiment
69 - 911_attack.gml
69 - email430.gml
76 - Indonesian_terrorists.gml
77 - Lesmis.gml 小说《悲惨世界》人物共现网络
89 - mammalia-voles-plj-trapping-60 (田鼠诱捕网络)
92 - neusncp dataset [txt]
97 - E. coli transcription networks. 大肠杆菌转录
99 - sx-superuser1.gml
105 - Books about US politics(美国政治书籍网络).gml
115 - American College football(美国大学足球俱乐部网络)
128 - LFR6.txt
128 - LFR1.txt
131 - brazil-airports_network.gml
135 - lncDN159_network.gml
143 - eron邮件网络
167 - The friendships of registered users in NEUSNCP
185 - tudents.gml
185 - students.gml
187 - 冰与火之歌-书1
187 - sanguo_2.gml
196 - sanguo.gml
198 - Jazz musicians network 爵士乐音乐家合作网络
198 - Jazz musicians network 爵士乐音乐家合作网络 (1)
217 - Scotland Enterprise Network(苏格兰连锁企业网络)
223 - tea_link.gml
223 - tea_link.gml2
232 - europe-airport3_network.gml
259 - 冰与火之歌-书2
259 - book2.gml
260 - terrorist_attack_loc_org.gml
274 - 冰与火之歌-书4
291 - email22_network.gml
303 - 冰与火之歌-书3
317 - 冰与火之歌-书5
332 - USAir (USA_Air_Lines).gml
352 - Status_user_bipartite.txt
379 - sciencenet.gml
379 - A network of coauthorships between 379 scientists
399 - europe-airports_network.gml
399 - London Multiplex Transport Network
405 -
453 - C.elegans.秀丽隐杆线虫代谢网络
500 - LFR_500.gml
500 - LFR_100.gml
501 - email_network.gml
645 - terrorist_attack_loc.gml
659 - bio-DM-LC.gml
796 - The relationships of characters in the novel ``A Song of Ice and Fire''
831 -
986 - (EEC) trans_email.gml
1000 - LFR随机生成数据集
1000 - LFR_1000_0.1.txt
1000 - lfr1000-0.5.txt
1005 - Email-Europe-Research-Insisute-core network
1022 - 罗格同义词词典
1103 -
1133 - Email (Rovirai Virgili University).gml
1174 - Euroroad.txt
1224 - trans_polblogs.gml
1284 - SUNBELT 2013 DATA
1589 - netscience.gml (科学家合作网络,From Newman, 2006 )
1862 -
2000 - lfr2000-0.5.txt
2034 - EUAirTransportation.gml
2063 -
2303 - BLS.gml
2500 - LFR_2500.gml
2500 - LFR_2500_0.1.txt
2708 - cora.gml
2708 - cora_edgelist.gml
2708 - CORA
2888 - facebook.gml
2888 - facebook.txt
2939 - openflights.gml
3000 - lfr3000-0.5.txt
3023 - vidal.gml
3327 - citeseer.gml
3852 - PPI_Homo_sapiens_mcc.gml
3860 - PPI_Homo_sapiens.gml
3911 - dblp_author.gml
4000 - lfr4000-0.5.txt
4039 - Facebook
4158 - GrQc (is a collaboration network of eprint articles in arXiv categories General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.).gml
4271 - web-EPA.gml
4941 - Power (美国西部电力网络)
5000 - LFR_5000_0.1.gml
5000 - lfr5000-0.5.txt
5022 - Router.txt
6000 - lfr6000-0.5.txt
6229 - reactome.gml
6299 - PG (a snapshot of the Gnutella peer-to-peer file sharing network).gml
7000 - lfr7000-0.5.txt
7066 - WV (a network of Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom).gml
7343 - Geom Collaboration network in computational geometry
7474 - Tmall online shopping records
8000 - lfr8000-0.5.txt
9000 - lfr9000-0.5.txt
15810 - Sex(a bipartite network in which nodes are females (sex sellers) and males (sex buyers) ).gml
63641 - Weibo user_relationships (预览失败,请直接下载)
84250 - Weibo_relationships (预览失败,请直接下载).gml
1087562 - road-roadNet-PA.gml
Show Graph