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Course Registeration Record of college students in Northeastern University.

If you need to use this dataset, please cite:

  1. Dong-Ming C , Yun Y , Bo F , Xin-Yu H, Dong-Qi W. Research on Community Detection Algorithm for Complex Networks with Multi-Attribute Nodes[C]// 2018 Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD). IEEE Computer Society, 2018: 148-153.
  2. Huang X, Chen D, Ren T, et al. CDIA: A Feasible Community Detection Algorithm Based on Influential Nodes in Complex Networks[C]//The International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Springer, Cham, 2019: 930-937.
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N and E are the number of nodes and links. 〈k〉 and 〈d〉 are the average degree and the average distance, respectively. C and r are the average clustering coefficient and the assortative coefficient. H is the degree heterogeneity. βc is the epidemic threshold of the SIR model.

N 47
E 125
<k> 5.3191
<d> 3.2812
<C> 0.4883
r 0.1354
H 0.2119
beta_c 0.1956
Degree Histogram · Plot


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